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AHITH presents "Bicycle Bride" the movie on Zoom Q&A Sunday May 3rd 7pm

AHITH presents "Bicycle Bride" the movie on Zoom Q&A with director and Stars after screening!

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Meeting ID: 813 6080 6123

Rating: NR

Genre: Comedy, Special Interest

Directed By: Hassan Zee

Written By: Hassan Zee

Beena struggles to follow her dream of the freedom to choose her own destiny and the love of her life, but her overly dramatic and meddlesome Indian mother Billo, wants to marry her off. Billo has even talked to her dentist about her daughter's arranged marriage. Beena's best friend Mary Jane, an American girl, knows that James Dean from Sweden is Beena's dream boy. Mary Jane wants a boyfriend in her life also and is desperately looking for one but she always falls for the wrong guys. This movie takes you on a one woman's journey who is struggling to maintain past cultural values and family happiness against fast changing cultural norms in a foreign land.

Get a laugh. The Director of the film and stars will be on Zoom to answer your questions while you are watching the film. We want to make it a fun evening by posting your comments and asking questions.

Another Hole in the Head Film Festival is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Bicycle Bride Movie on Zoom with Q&A with Director and stars from film

Time: May 3, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 813 6080 6123

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